Gandhi-Mandela-Freire Fellowship Programme
Initiating Self and Eco-Socio-Spiritual Transformation.
The Grounding of Peace, Reconciliation, Civic Engagement, Sustainability, Social Communication, Creative Regeneration and Engaged Spirituality in Compassion . Fostering Dialogical and Inclusive Community, Common Good and Eco-Socio-Spiritual Futures in Public and Private Spaces.
Jointly initiated by the Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, India and the Loyola Institute of Peace and International Relations, Kochi, India. The Indian Social Institute holds a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The fellowship has been further developed, nurtured and now based at the LES Multiversity, Loyola Extension Services, a registered charity as well as the social lab and incubation centre of Loyola College of Social Sciences (LCSS Autonomous), Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), India. A (growing) number of like-minded institutions have offered moral support for this effort. (Note: This website belongs to the LESMultiversity , Loyola Extension Services/LES Multiversity, Loyola College of Social Sciences (A), Thiruvananthapuram, India.)

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GMF Living/
Human Library
There is an Africans proverb -- which comes in many forms from the African continent -- that suggests that an old person is like a unique, invaluable, irreplaceable library. Old women and old men ( why even younger adults and children) have much to share about life and about ourselves if we provide learningful avenues and platforms through which their wisdom and experiences can be actively shared.
A learning journey platform for the young to meet older folks, to learn from them --
experiences, concerns, challenges, contradictions, fears, hope, frustrations, inspiration, wisdom.
Work in Progress
Learning From Elders (Selected Publicly-Available Videos)
Schedule a Learningful Encounter (Only for GMF Fellows)

Khoo Salma
Eco-Heritage Activist

Sashi Kumar
Social Comentator/ Media Political Economy

Anwar Fazal
Social Innovator/Network Builder

Robert Athickal
Sulak Sivaraksha
Engaged Buddhism (Supported by Somboon)

Colin Nicholas
Indigeneity/Indigenous Way Of Life/Worldviews

Felix Wilfred
Inter-Faith/ Cosmopolitanism

Ela Gandhi
Peace Activists/Parliamentarian